[CONVERSATION] Joseph Williams // Building a new Clam Garden
If you were paying close attention to FE6.2, you may have caught a mention of the very first Clam Garden wall built in the modern era, by the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community. In this conversation with Joseph Williams, Shellfish Community Liaison for Swinomish, we get into the details of how they made it happen.
[CONVERSATION] Tal Engel // Integrative Forest Rehabilitation
In the Autumn of 2024, Adam visted Tal Engel of Wolftree Integrative Forest Rehabilitation, and took a tour of the woodlands which serve as a living laboratory for Tal's experiments in ecosystem revitalization and forest fire fuel management.
If you take care of any forested spaces, we're sure you'll be inspired by some of Tal's techniques.
[UNABRIDGED] Federico Campagna // How to Dream Better
Philosopher Federico Campagna on the ethics of dreaming, or how to dream with style and elegance.
[UNABRIDGED] Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe // Restless Souls and Porous Bodies
Next from The Shape of a Circle in the Dream of a Fish and FE5.3, Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe
[UNABRIDGED] Alex Jordan // A Fish's Sense of Self
Please enjoy some of the unabridged presentations from The Shape of a Circle in the Dream of Fish, which were reconstituted into FE5.3 - Cosmopoetics. First up: Alex Jordan.
Michael Hathaway on Matsutake and the Worlds they Make
Our friend Michael Hathaway (featured in FE3.6) has now published his book, entitled "What a Mushroom Lives For: Matsutake and the Worlds They Make" — and, unsurprisingly, it's great.
The Titan Arum
If you've already listened to FE3.6, you heard just a taste of some recordings we made almost 3 years ago – at the blooming of the Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum) at the Bloedel Conservatory